November 30, 2022 | 4:30 PM – 7:45 PM

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


WICE organized a workshop comprised of 2 talks and s networking session to connect women in communication society and discuss how women an minorities play a role in STEM.

Event Agenda





Workshop (In person)

  1. Welcome and speaker’s presentation!

Dr. Yessica Sáez

Dr. Yessica Sáez

4:30PM-5:00 PM

  1. “Increasing the participation of women and minorities in STEM at a large metropolitan university”

Dr. Yessica Sáez

Dr. Damla Turgut

5:00 PM-5:45 PM

  1. “Status and challenges for 5G deployments in Latin America”

Dr. Yessica Sáez

Dr. Gidy Florez

5:50 PM- 6:35 PM

Questions from Audience & Short promotion of WICE benefits

Dr. Yessica Sáez

Dr. Damla Turgut, Dr. Gidy Florez and Dr. Yessica Sáez

6:35 PM -7:30 PM

WICE Networking session

7:30 PM -8:30 PM


Damla Turgut is Charles Millican Professor of Computer Science at University of Central Florida. She has secondary joint appointments in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the UCF Resilient, Intelligent and Sustainable Energy Systems (RISES) Cluster. She is the co-director of the AI Things Laboratory.

She received her PhD from the Computer Science and Engineering Department of University of Texas at Arlington. She held visiting researcher positions at University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Imperial College of London and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Her research interests include wireless ad hoc, sensor, underwater, vehicular, and social networks, edge/cloud computing, smart cities, smart grids, IoT-enabled healthcare and augmented reality, as well as considerations of privacy in the Internet of Things. She is also interested in applying big data techniques for improving STEM education for women and minorities. Her selected honors and awards include NCWIT 2021 Mentoring Award for Undergraduate Research (MAUR) Award, the UCF Research and Teaching Incentive Awards, Women of Distinction Award by the UCF Faculty Excellence Center for Success of Women Faculty, the University Excellence Award in Professional Service and being featured in the UCF Women Making History series. She was co-recipient of the Best Paper Award at the IEEE ICC 2013. Dr. Turgut serves on several editorial boards and program committees of prestigious ACM and IEEE journals and conferences. Her research has been funded through grants from National Science of Foundation, Department of Energy, US Army RDECOM, Florida Center for Cybersecurity, as well as industry grants. Since 2019, she serves as the N2Women Board Co-Chair where she co-leads the activities of the N2Women Board in supporting female researchers in the fields of networking and communications. She is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, Chair of IEEE Technical Committee of Social Networks, IEEE Senior Member, ACM Senior Member, and the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC).


Gidy Florez Navarro

Gidy Florez Navarro is a Senior Protocol R&D Engineer at SIDIA Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia where she works testing and enabling 5G technology on mobile devices for Latin America carriers. She received her M.Sc and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and her Bsc in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad Autónoma del Caribe (Colombia). She also worked as Radiofrequency Engineer at Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (2017-2020). IEEE member and active volunteer since 2007 in Colombia Section. In 2010 she became part of the Rio de Janeiro Section. She was part of Region 9 SACTeam in 2012-2013, IEEE SIGHT Events Committee in 2016 and IEEE SIGHT Engagement Committee in 2017. In 2018-2019 she was part of the LA ComSoc Board as YP Coordinator. From 2020-2021 she was a Student Activities Coordinator for IEEE ComSoc LA, member of IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Young Professionals Committee, and IEEE Region 9 HAC/SIGHT Committee member. Co-founder and member of Sociedade Brasileira de Metamateriais (SBMETA). In 2020 she was part of the IEEE HAC funded project “Engineers Assisting Ventilator Maintenance” that received the IEEE MGA Achievement Award. Recipient in 2021 of the “IEEE R9 Student and Young Professional Activities Prominent Supporter Award”. She is part of ComSoc LA Board (2022-2023) as a member of the Industry Relations Committee.



Yessica Saez Barrios is an electronics and telecommunications engineer, graduated from the Technological University of Panama and a specialist in higher education from the University of the Isthmus of Panama. She holds an MEng and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.

She currently works as a researcher professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Technological University of Panama, whe she serves as the Research Coordinator of the Azuero Region Branch. She is the coordinator of the Research Group on Telecommunications Engineering and Intelligent Systems Applied to Society (ITSIAS), where she collaborates in several research projects financed by different institutions.

She has several publications in national and international high impact scientific journals, has participated and presented scientific articles in various national and international congresses and also holds invention patents. She is a member of the National Research System (SNI) of Panama, director of outreach of the Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC), active member of the Movement Science in Panama. Dr. Sáez is the Chair of the Communications Society (COMSOC) of the IEEE – Panama Section and is a member of the board of directors of the Communications Society (COMSOC) of IEEE Latin America.